Supporter Promise
Support UsTheatre Royal Wakefield is committed to fundraising in an honest and transparent way. Not everyone knows it, but we are a charity and don’t receive any regular public funding.
We are only able to carry out our work thanks to the amazing, generous support of people like you and we want you to know we really value your support, whether you:
- are one of our fantastic members
- are one of our Corporate Partners
- donated with your ticket purchase
- donated to one of our campaigns
- left us a gift in your will
- sponsored or advertised with us.
We are committed to treating you with respect and openness, so this is our promise to you.
Our commitment to you:
As a supporter of Theatre Royal Wakefield you are at the heart of everything we do, and we believe that donating to us should be a positive and rewarding experience.
We are clear, honest and open
We tell the truth and do not exaggerate. We do what we say we are going to do with donations we receive. We'll let you know about how your donation is spent and share details on our website and social media channels. Fundraising is really important to us and we are proud of what it helps us achieve.
We work to ensure supporters are treated fairly and treated as individuals at all times.
We might turn down a donation if we feel that accepting it would damage our independence or reputation. If we do, we'll explain why.
We are committed to protecting vulnerable and younger supporters. We make sure all staff are trained in and follow our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. We will constantly review our fundraising practices to make sure they are fair, sensitive and appropriate.
Our communications with you
We hope you’ll want to hear more about our work, but we respect your rights and privacy. Your data is safe with us. We take our obligations very seriously and we will never sell your data to third party organisations.
If you tell us you'd rather not be contacted, or you'd rather we didn't contact you in a certain way, we'll act on your wishes. You can change your mind about what you receive from us at any time.
We are fair and reasonable
We do not put undue pressure on you to make a gift. If you do not want to give or wish to cease giving, we will respect your decision.
We always treat donors and the public fairly, showing sensitivity and adapting our approach depending on your needs.
We are accountable and responsible
We will do all we can to ensure that our fundraisers, volunteers and suppliers working with us comply with all fundraising regulations and this promise.
We will always provide easy ways for you to contact us, and our Development Team is on hand to help answer any queries you may have.
If you are unhappy with anything we’ve done, you can contact us to make us aware of a concern or a complaint using our complaints policy.
If we make a mistake, we will apologise and do everything to put things right.
Further Information
If you have any questions, please contact our Development Team via development@theatreroyalwakefield.co.uk or call 01924 211 311 and they will be happy to help.