Performance Academy Bitesize

Take Part

Join us for one of our week-long musical theatre training projects!

What is it?

Performance Academy Bitesize is an intensive musical theatre training course, lasting five days during school summer holidays.

When and where is it?

Bitesize is normally held in our Walker Studio at Theatre Royal Wakefield.

Our 2024 Bitesize will happen for the week Monday 29 July to Friday 2 August.

Sessions are 10am-4pm (5.30pm finish on the Friday) and priced at £175 for the week (assisted places and sibling discounts are available).

What you can expect?

An intensive musical theatre training project with our top notch Performance Academy tutors. You will learn about some of our favourite Musicals through song, dance and drama, creating a small performance which will be part of a sharing for family on the Friday afternoon.

Who is it for?

You don’t have to be a Performance Academy participant to take part in Bitesize. In fact, it’s a great way to meet our tutors and other participants and find out what we’re all about. As long as you are aged 7-13 and want to develop your performance skills, we would love to hear from you.

We will hold some places for participants considering joining our Pontefract Performance Academy. For anyone that joins Pontefract Performance Academy after the Bitesize course, the cost of the course will be deducted from the first term's fees.

Interested in Performance Academy Bitesize?

We are now waiting list only as all places have been taken. Any unclaimed places will be released at the start of June

To sign up, or for more information, please contact Gavin or complete our sign-up form


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